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Missing: Danielle Bacon,
Missing from: Naperville, IL
Last seen: Jun/07/2024
Status: Missing
Created: June 25, 2024 11:48 am
Updated: June 25, 2024 11:48 am

Case Report

She has been listed as missing and endangered by the police department. She was last physically seen on My 28, 2024. Her mother recieved a text from her on June 7, 2024 and that was the last contact that has been made with her. She has not had any contact with family or friends since including her son, this is very unusual for her.

1 thought on “Missing Danielle Bacon”

  1. I don’t want to give a false leave if I am wrong however, on June 24, 2024 around 2:30 pm I was in the Jewel in Carol Stream on Army Trail and County Farm Road and I crossed paths with a woman that resembled this woman. I remember her because I had to cross in front of her on the cereal aisle and we both said sorry to each other. Also, I thought the person resembled a former cousin-in-law and I also feel this woman does as well.
    I debated about saying anything as I would had to give a false lead or false hope however, I feel like just in case I should say something.
    It seems like a weird place to see her but, this woman had the same kind of cheeks and smile.

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