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Missing: Alicia Digna, 25
Missing from: Romulus, Michigan
Last seen: Aug/27/2008
Status: Missing
Created: April 16, 2024 8:45 am
Updated: July 16, 2024 8:03 pm

Alicia Digna Personal Interactive Map

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Case Information

Digna was last seen in Romulus, Michigan on August 27, 2008. She was driving her burgundy four-door 1992 Pontiac Grand Am with Michigan license plates at the time. She has never been heard from again.

Digna's car was found abandoned a week after her disappearance, at Mount Elliott and east Vernor on the east side of Detroit, Michigan. Her loved ones stated it would be uncharacteristic of her to leave the car, as she enjoyed being independent in spite of her medical problems.

All of her personal belongings were left behind, and since her disappearance she hasn't accessed her Social Security disability benefits or used her medical insurance. Her case remains unsolved.

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