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Missing: Aydan Burt, 15
Missing from: Greenfield Center, Ny
Last seen: May/09/2024
Status: Missing
Created: May 12, 2024 12:57 pm
Updated: May 12, 2024 12:57 pm

Aydan Burt Personal Interactive Map

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Case Information

The boys were thought to be at a bus station located at 43-44 St & 8th Ave around 11:30 pm. On Thursday, they were spotted at Walgreens on Columbus Circle in Manhattan. Aydan, who has autism along with other mental and intellectual disabilities, has been without his medication since Wednesday. He was last seen wearing a gray baseball jersey, blue basketball shorts with orange trim, and white Adidas sneakers with red stripes. The latest photo is from a new Snapchat account created by Aydan, showing the bus stop they were at. Aydan suffers from psychosis with psychotic episodes, and one of the medications he's been without is crucial for managing his condition.

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