Brandon Graves

Missing From: Sumter, South Carolina
Missing Since: January 30, 2010
Age: 39
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 150


Graves was last seen in Sumter, South Carolina on January 30, 2010. He lived and worked in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, but had gone to Sumter on a spur-of-the-moment trip to attend Morris College's homecoming. He went to Sabastian's Nightlife, a nightclub in the 3200 block of Broad Street, at 11:00 p.m. Shortly before midnight, the bouncer asked him to leave because he'd become drunk and unruly. Just a few minutes after he was kicked out, Graves tried to re-enter the club. The bouncer refused to let him inside and security staff escorted him off the property. Graves made two phone calls in the early hours of the next morning. He called a cousin and a friend, neither of whom answered their phones. He left voice mail messages with both numbers, but his voice was unintelligible, possibly because he was drunk. The last call was between 3:30 and 4:00 a.m. This was the last time anyone heard from him. After that, his phone went straight to voice mail. Investigators were unable to determine where Graves was when he made his last two phone calls. The two friends Graves was with the night of his disappearance were both interviewed by police and one of them passed a polygraph, but the other refused to take the test. Investigators stated the man was a person of interest in Graves's case, but he hasn't been publicly identified or charged with anything in connection with it. Authorities believe foul play was involved in Graves's disappearance. He was last seen wearing a blue t-shirt over a black thermal shirt, black jeans and a black baseball cap. He has black hair and brown eyes. His nickname is Peanut. His hair was styled in long dreadlocks at the time of his disappearance. Graves suffers from asthma and requires medication to control his condition.

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MPIA Case Number: 3188
Created: October 6, 2024 5:23 pm
Updated: October 6, 2024 5:32 pm

Do you have any information? You can reach out to the police through any of these methods.

Sumter County Police Departmen 803-436-2700

Missing People In America

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