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Missing: Danielle Prost, 40
Missing from: Collinsville, Oklahoma
Last seen: Apr/02/2024
Status: Missing
Created: April 7, 2024 8:51 pm
Updated: July 14, 2024 6:39 pm

Danielle Prost Personal Interactive Map

Full Resolution Flyer

Case Information

Enrolled with Cherokee Nation, she drives a 2008 Toyota Tacoma license plate AE4681. The small local police department did not post anything to their social media page despite having the case, even recognizing their police department since she went missing and they took the case. We've reached out for comment. Her full name Danielle Lea Prost, 40, oddly no social media or internet records can be found for that name.

 Collinsville Police Department

(918) 371-1000

Agency Case Number2404181

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