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Missing: Gustavo Funes Flores, 32
Missing from: McAllen, Texas
Last seen: Feb/27/2021
Status: Missing
Created: April 4, 2024 10:32 pm
Updated: July 14, 2024 3:56 pm

Gustavo Funes Flores Personal Interactive Map

Full Resolution Flyer

Case Information

He was part of a migrant group trekking from McAllen to Falfurrias in Brooks County in 2021. MP's inability to keep pace with the group led to him being left behind by the guide, under the assumption that he could be picked up by Border Patrol (BP). He was left with 2 other individuals.

Looking into the Cases entered by this agency, there's 205 missing cases. This county is 944 mi² and has a population of 6,906 people. Most of the missing appear to be migrants. Cases like this open up the question of the safety of anyone that legally or illegally migrate to the United States.

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