Heather Teague

Missing From: Spottsville, Kentucky
Missing Since: August 26, 1995
Age: 23
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 100


On August 26, 1995, Teague was sunbathing at Newburgh Beach in Henderson County, Kentucky, when a witness saw a man approach her around 12:45 p.m. and drag her into the woods at gunpoint. The abductor was described as 6’0”, 210-230 pounds, with brown hair, a bushy beard, and wearing jeans, no shirt, a wig, and a mosquito net. Later that day, part of Teague’s bathing suit was found near the suspected abduction site. Marvin Ray “Marty” Dill, whose red and white Ford Bronco matched the description of a vehicle seen near Teague’s car, was stopped in a routine traffic stop. Inside his vehicle, authorities found a hair resembling Teague’s, firearms, knives, duct tape, and bloodstains. Dill also resembled the composite sketch of the abductor. After several tips linked him to the crime, Dill died by suicide before investigators could question him. Christopher J. Below, another possible suspect, was known to be in the area when Teague was abducted but left Kentucky shortly afterward. Although the witness identified Dill as the abductor, authorities suspect Below may have been involved.

Heather Teague Interactive Map

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MPIA Case Number: 6006
Created: February 5, 2025 5:35 pm
Updated: February 5, 2025 5:35 pm

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Kentucky State Police (270) 826-3312

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KENTUCKY MISSING AND EXPLOITED CHILDREN UNIT: 800-543-7723 (between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday)

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