Missing From: Springfield, Missouri
Missing Since: April 17, 2022
Age: 29
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 150
Ewing was last seen on April 17, 2022, walking near Stick It In Your Ear, a vinyl music store in Springfield, Missouri. He had left his home on April 15 and has not been heard from or returned since. Few details are available about his disappearance. Ewing has brown hair, blue eyes, and several distinctive physical features, including front teeth that are slightly ground down, gauged piercings in his earlobes, and a septum piercing. He has multiple tattoos: a large cow skull with roses coming out of its eye sockets on his chest; the words “1 million dead gods” on his ribs; a design featuring an apple, seven eyes, and a snake on his left shoulder; an abstract depiction of a human figure on the inside of his forearm; and a bird-like creature on the outside of his right wrist.