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Missing: Jarrett Brooks, 17
Missing from: Joseph City, Arizona
Last seen: Jul/04/2023
Status: Missing
Created: March 31, 2024 9:42 pm
Updated: July 16, 2024 2:17 pm

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Case Information

Jarrett Brooks, a 16-year-old resident of Joseph City, Arizona, was reported missing on July 4, 2023. He was last seen leaving his home on foot around 6:30 a.m. on that day. Since then, extensive search efforts have been conducted by the Navajo County Sheriff’s Office and the community, including the issuance of multiple search warrants in Joseph City and Phoenix to gather more information and evidence related to his disappearance.
The case has garnered significant attention, with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children issuing a news release and his family and community actively seeking help to find him. Authorities and the public are focusing on the possibility that Jarrett may have traveled to Winslow, Arizona, or to several cities in Texas, including San Antonio, Austin, Temple, or Stamford.
Jarrett Brooks is described as 6 feet tall and 140 pounds at the time of his disappearance. Anyone with information about his whereabouts is encouraged to contact the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children at 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) or the Navajo County Sheriff's Office in Arizona at 1-928-524-4050.
The community has rallied around the search for Jarrett, with a Facebook page called “Search for Jarrett Brooks” gaining about 12,000 members. Despite the efforts, no substantial information has been obtained regarding his whereabouts as of the latest updates in January 2024.

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