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Missing: Jeffrey Taurianen, 35
Missing from: Bedford County, PA
Last seen: Apr/16/2022
Status: Missing
Created: April 27, 2024 8:40 pm
Updated: July 16, 2024 1:27 pm

Jeffrey Taurianen Personal Interactive Map

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Case Information

A U.S. Army veteran went missing in Bedford County just before Easter 2022. Jeffrey Taurianen was reported missing on April 16, 2022, after leaving his residence on Grasshopper Road in New Paris. He was 33 at the time. It was alleged he was skilled in technology and may have been using his military skills to stay off the radar and unlocated. Taurianen is a US Army Veteran who served in the special forces. Troopers said they couldn’t track him after he destroyed all his electronics and it’s unknown if he bought new ones. He also has manic depression and suffers from PTSD and has allegedly expressed suicidal tendencies in the past, state police said. At the time, state police said he recently used spoof numbers to call past employers and made no sense in the calls. Troopers said they were told he could have ended up in Altoona, Johnstown, Clearfield or Pittsburgh.

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