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Missing: Jesse Conger, 42
Missing from: Scottsdale, Arizona
Last seen: Aug/14/2019
Status: Missing
Created: April 26, 2024 10:09 pm
Updated: April 26, 2024 10:09 pm

Case Report

On 08/14/2019, Jesse Conger, a military veteran, was last seen at 0730 hours by his live-in girlfriend at an apartment in south Scottsdale that he had been staying at for approximately two weeks. Mr. Conger left with his known 2015 silver Toyota Camry 4DSD bearing Nevada License Plate 696G03, possibly a handgun, and keys to the residence. Mr. Conger left his service dog and personal effects behind at the apartment. On 01/23/2020, Jesse Conger's vehicle was discovered abandoned along dirt road near the US 70 and Arizona Eastern Railways tracks. The vehicle appeared to have been in that location for an extended period of time.

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