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Missing: Johnathan Boeggeman, 55
Missing from: Los Gatos, California
Last seen: Apr/24/2024
Status: Missing
Created: May 20, 2024 8:16 am
Updated: May 20, 2024 8:16 am

Johnathan Boeggeman Personal Interactive Map

Full Resolution Flyer

Case Information

Jonathan had reportedly been sleeping in his brother's blue, 2018 Toyota Prius, parked in the driveway of the reporting party's house on 4/22/24. On 4/23/24, the reporting party spoke with Jonathan in the car in the driveway. Jonathan told the reporting party that he just wanted to, "Get away from everyone." The reporting party gave Jonathan $300 and asked him to come back to her residence by 1500 hours. The reporting party did not see Jonathan after he left and called to report him as missing on 4/24/24.

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