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Missing: Josette Griffiths, 54
Missing from: Corvallis, Oregon
Last seen: Feb/08/2024
Status: Missing
Created: April 2, 2024 8:31 am
Updated: July 14, 2024 1:47 pm

Josette Griffiths Personal Interactive Map

Full Resolution Flyer

Case Information

Confirmed to be in the Oregon Missing Person Database. This is a very concerning case, she left work, then her clothes she was wearing were found next to Willamette River.

Ironically, she was rescued from the same river in January 2016.   "call about 4:30 that a woman was seen in the Calapooia River headed toward the Willamette" witnesses first saw her on the Bryant Way bridge. She was rescued by the fire department and transferred to the hospital. They were unable to determine why she was in the river.

When spotted the fire department stated that, "not really swimming, just flailing to stay above the water."

Firefighters rescue woman in river (

More Details

This river isn't small either or currently warm,  The river is around 390 feet across where her clothes were found. The river is roughly 10 to 11 feet deep in the center, but down the river it shallows out to about 1 foot before it gets deep again. This information can be found here.

The location missing from is a town of 60k people.

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