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Missing: Kyle Anderson, 33
Missing from: Fulton, MS
Last seen: Apr/11/2000
Status: Missing
Created: May 10, 2024 11:08 pm
Updated: May 10, 2024 11:08 pm

Kyle Anderson Personal Interactive Map

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Case Information

Kyle, along with his brother Cameron and sister Rachel, went missing along with their mother, Lesley Allen, from Fulton, Mississippi, on April 11, 2000. Lesley's former husband, Jeff Anderson, had legal custody rights and was granted visitation. However, the children disappeared before a scheduled visit. Prior to their disappearance, the family lived in Mississippi with Lesley's older children from a previous relationship. Lesley and the three younger children may have left Mississippi, possibly in a brown 1981 Chevrolet Caprice. Despite extensive searches and investigations, there has been no contact or evidence of their whereabouts since their disappearance.

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