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Missing: Lacey Armstrong, 14
Missing from: Jacksonville, NC
Last seen: May/29/2024
Status: Found
Created: July 1, 2024 3:46 pm
Updated: July 3, 2024 7:03 pm

Case Report

Lacey Armstrong was last seen near the Onslow Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, May 29. Lacey is described as a 14-year-old female with shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes. She stands at 5'0" tall and weighs around 100 pounds. She was last seen wearing a white t-shirt and black wind breaker pants and may have a light powder pink purse with gold chain straps, pink or white sunglasses. Lacey is familiar with the areas of Days Inn, Motel 6, Triangle Motor Inn, Jacksonville Mall and the Sandy Run Apartments.

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