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Missing: Lauren Spierer, 33
Missing from: Bloomington, Indiana
Last seen: Jun/02/2011
Status: Missing
Created: May 4, 2024 3:47 pm
Updated: June 6, 2024 7:26 pm

Lauren Spierer Personal Interactive Map

Full Resolution Flyer

Case Information

Spierer disappeared after a long night out with friends on June 3, 2011. That night, she followed a common path for IU students living downtown. She started at her apartment in Smallwood Plaza. Spierer texted her boyfriend, Jesse Wolff, saying she had plans to go to bed. Instead, Spierer went out to Kilroy’s Sports Bar with friends, using a fake ID to drink. Witnesses said Spierer was visibly intoxicated when she left the bar, forgetting her shoes and phone. She wasn’t alone when she left. Spierer was with Corey Rossman, who was seen on unreleased surveillance video walking with Spierer back to her apartment building.

At one point in the video, Spierer trips and falls in an alley.

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