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Missing: Linda Little, 76
Missing from: Daytona Beach, Florida
Last seen: Oct/11/1991
Status: Missing
Created: June 1, 2024 9:25 pm
Updated: June 1, 2024 9:25 pm

Linda Little Personal Interactive Map

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Case Information

Little was last seen on 10/11/1991 at approximately 2:00 am at the 7-11 convenience store after leaving Mateys Brig Bar located on Broadway in Daytona Beach. She was riding blue and rust-colored Murray beach cruiser bicycle and believed to be going home. She failed to report for work at the Chart House later that day. Little has not been seen or heard from since.
While visiting with friends at the bar on the night of her disappearance, she told them that she planned to go out of town with her boyfriend for the weekend. He had canceled and did not go on the planned trip.
Little is originally from North Carolina. She had lived in Florida for two years prior to 1991.

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