Missing: Makayla Wickerson, 26
Missing from: Berkeley, MO
Last seen: Jul/28/2024
Created: June 8, 2024 4:42 pm
Updated: August 27, 2024 11:44 am
MPIA ID: 1465
Full Resolution Flyer
Case Information
Both Makayla 26 and Malayiah 3 are missing. Family had been in constant contact, then one day, they were gone from their house, no where to be found. There's been no communication since. There's been national media attention on the case, yet, the police department never added them to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children database, nor did they bother to add their picture into the Missouri database. They're believed to be connected with the now convicted Rashad Jamal as an alleged cult leader, who was convicted of molesting children.