Mary Opitz

Missing From: Fort Myers, Florida
Missing Since: January 16, 1981
Age: 60
Height: 5' 5
Weight: 105
Case Number: 7456-81C


Mary was last seen leaving the Edison Mall, heading towards the parking lot. A package she was carrying at the time was found near her car, but she has not been seen since. She was wearing two gold bracelets, a gold necklace with a charm and she has braces on her teeth. She was wearing a brown velveteen jacket, a white pullover shirt, designer blue jeans, and brown pumps. She was 17 years old at the time. Mary Elizabeth Hare, an 18-year-old who physically resembled Mary Opitz, disappeared from the same parking lot on February 11, almost a month after Mary. In June 1981, Hare's fully clothed and badly decomposed body was found in a field near Alabama Road and Highway 82 in a remote, undeveloped area of Lehigh Acres, Florida. She was the victim of a homicide.

Mary Opitz's Interactive Map

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MPIA Case Number: 3088
Created: September 30, 2024 5:53 pm
Updated: September 30, 2024 5:53 pm

Do you have any information? You can reach out to the police through any of these methods.

Lee County Sheriff's Office (239) 477-1000

Florida Missing Person Unit: 1(888)356-4774

Missing People In America

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