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Missing: Nehemiah Swope, 14
Missing from: Washington CO, MD
Last seen: Mar/29/2024
Status: Missing
Created: April 1, 2024 1:44 pm
Updated: July 14, 2024 11:32 am

Nehemiah Swope Personal Interactive Map

Full Resolution Flyer

Case Information

Believed to be a runaway, below you can see the marked map, showing the area he went missing from and the area he's believed to be in. He went missing on March 23rd and was found, just to run away again on March 29th. The circumstances are unknown about why he ran away. As a general statistic, according to data from the National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway and Thrownaway Children (NISMART), which was conducted in the United States, children in foster care are significantly more likely to run away than children living in other types of care arrangements. One study found that about 14% of youth in foster care had run away at least once, compared to about 2% of youth in the general population.

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