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Missing: Patsy Brockbank, 75
Missing from: Eagle Pass, Texas
Last seen: Aug/17/2011
Status: Missing
Created: April 6, 2024 7:02 pm
Updated: July 14, 2024 5:16 pm

Patsy Brockbank Personal Interactive Map

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1 thought on “Missing Patsy Brockbank”

  1. Patricia Brock bank disappeared from Holly Inn in Eagle Pass, Texas. She owned property in the border city of Piedras Negra, Mexico that she was trying to sell at the time of her disappearance and has not been seen since. She may be driving a silver 2011 Rogue Nissan, LP# CK3N650.

    Her mother passed away in 2012 and stated “Patricia is Presumed deceased.” Her case remains unsolved.

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