Robert McLaughlin

Missing From: Jacksonville, Florida
Missing Since: September 24, 2017
Age: 42
Height: 5' 10
Weight: 210
Case Number: 17-661559


Last seen at his Jacksonville, Florida residence at 10:00 p.m. He left his car, wallet, identification, and all other belongings behind; the only items that disappeared with him were his phone and the key to his apartment. It's uncharacteristic of him to leave without warning. At the time of his disappearance, McLaughlin worked as a rap artist. He had an upcoming show booked in Georgia for shortly after his disappearance, something he wouldn't have wanted to miss. Robert has had no contact with family or friends which is not normal behavior for him. Robert has tattoos on both of his forearms and a metal rod in his left arm. McLaughlin has a gold tooth and a chipped right front tooth. He had a full beard and long dreadlocks at the time, and he may wear eyeglasses. His stage names are Rob Francis and Royal Francis. Last seen wearing a black T-shirt and black shorts.

Robert McLaughlin Interactive Map

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MPIA Case Number: 3152
Created: October 4, 2024 7:29 pm
Updated: October 4, 2024 7:29 pm

Do you have any information? You can reach out to the police through any of these methods.

Jacksonville Police Department (904) 630-2627

Florida Missing Person Unit: 1(888)356-4774

Missing People In America

MPIA Volunteers

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