Sabrina Hatheway

Missing From: Worcester, Massachusetts
Missing Since: December 21, 2014
Age: 23
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110


Hatheway was last seen in Worcester, Massachusetts on December 21, 2014. She left her aunt's residence and said she was going for a ride with a friend. She never returned. She left all her belongings behind. Authorities later learned the friend she went out with was her ex-boyfriend, Kevin K. Crozier. Crozier said they went to a friend's house and got drunk. The friend drove them to Crozier's grandmother's home. Crozier stated he and Hatheway went inside and he passed out, and when he woke up she was gone. She has never been heard from again. On January 1, Crozier’s grandmother’s residence burned down. In March, Crozier and two others, Scott T. Phelan and Lionel Bermudez, were charged with arson in connection with the fire. Authorities believe Crozier offered Phelan and Bermudez a cut of the insurance money on the house. It turned out it wasn't insured, however. It's unclear whether Hatheway’s disappearance is related to the arson case. Crozier maintains his innocence in Hatheway’s disappearance, which remains unsolved.

Sabrina Hatheway's Interactive Map

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MPIA Case Number: 4425
Created: December 1, 2024 6:33 pm
Updated: December 4, 2024 4:07 pm

Do you have any information? You can reach out to the police through any of these methods.

Worcester Police Department (508) 799-8466

Missing People In America

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