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Missing: Sandra Horwath, 33
Missing from: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Last seen: Oct/01/1973
Status: Missing
Created: May 14, 2024 8:27 am
Updated: May 14, 2024 8:27 am

Sandra Horwath Personal Interactive Map

Full Resolution Flyer

Case Information

On October 1, 1973, Sandra took her children to the Sears store at the Briarwood Mall in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Sandy and her kids returned home at 8:30 pm, she took a phone call from a male friend at approximately 9:30 pm, then put the kids to bed at 10:00 pm. The next morning at 6:00 am, Sandy’s children awoke to find their mother missing from home and she had not reported to work. The flowerbeds outside of her house were found trampled. Sandy’s watch and vehicle were located at her residence, but her purse was never located.

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