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Missing: Sebastian Rogers, 15
Missing from: Hendersonville, TN
Last seen: Feb/25/2024
Status: Missing
Created: March 31, 2024 2:05 pm
Updated: July 4, 2024 6:34 pm

Sebastian Rogers Personal Interactive Map

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Case Information

Introduction: Sebastian Rogers, a 15-year-old teenager, vanished from his home in Sumner County, Tennessee, in late February. The circumstances surrounding his disappearance are mysterious, with no evidence of forced entry, indicating a possible voluntary departure. The search for Sebastian has been a collaborative effort involving various agencies and volunteer organizations.

Background: Sebastian Rogers was reported missing on February 26 by his mother, Katie Proudfoot, who discovered he was not in his room when she went to wake him up for school. His stepfather, Chris Proudfoot, was out of town for work at the time. Sebastian is described as being 5 feet 5 inches tall, weighing 120 pounds, with brown hair, brown eyes, and wearing glasses. He was last seen wearing black sweatpants and a black sweatshirt.

Search Efforts: Following Sebastian's disappearance, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) issued an Amber Alert due to concerns about his medical condition, which could impair his ability to return safely without assistance. Multiple agencies, including the Sumner County Sheriff's Office and the TBI, initiated search operations utilizing various resources such as scent dogs, drones, helicopters, divers, and search teams on foot and horseback. Additionally, volunteer organizations like the United Cajun Navy mobilized to aid in the search efforts.

Community Response: The disappearance of Sebastian Rogers has garnered significant public attention, with community members actively participating in efforts to raise awareness and support the search. Residents have displayed signs in their yards, posted fliers in local businesses, and utilized social media platforms to keep the case in the spotlight.

Continued Investigations: Volunteer search efforts, law enforcement agencies such as the Sumner County Sheriff's Office and the TBI remain committed to investigating Sebastian's disappearance. The search and investigative operations have been extensive, covering thousands of miles and involving numerous personnel over the past weeks.

Conclusion: The disappearance of Sebastian Rogers remains a pressing concern for his family, community, and law enforcement agencies. Despite challenges and setbacks, efforts to locate Sebastian continue, with a focus on ensuring the safety of all involved in the search operations. The collaboration between authorities, volunteer organizations, and the community underscores the determination to bring Sebastian home safely.

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