Star Palumbo

Missing From: Reno, Nevada
Missing Since: April 26, 2000
Age: 25
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 115


Star Palumbo lived in Tucson, Arizona, until 1999, when she moved to Reno, Nevada, to live with her grandmother. On April 25, 2000, Palumbo called her mother in a paranoid state, expressing fears of being followed and her phone being tapped. Shortly after midnight on April 26, a security officer at Reno/Tahoe International Airport found Palumbo in a restricted area. She claimed to be searching for her sister, who she said had run onto the tarmac. Believing she was hallucinating, the officer took her to the Reno Hilton Hotel and Casino, dropping her off around 1:30 a.m. Palumbo was last seen near the hotel’s valet parking area but never checked in and has not been seen since. On April 27, her car was found abandoned at the airport, containing most of her belongings, including her phone and purse. Investigators later discovered three emails Palumbo had sent to the White House, alleging the federal government was trying to kill her. Inside her vehicle were a drawing of a bound and gagged woman resembling her and two books about changing identities.

Star Palumbo's Interactive Map

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MPIA Case Number: 5516
Created: January 19, 2025 1:24 pm
Updated: January 19, 2025 1:24 pm

Do you have any information? You can reach out to the police through any of these methods.

Reno Police Department (775) 334-2175

Missing People In America

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