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Missing: Tessie Temores, 40
Missing from: Moss Point, Mississippi
Last seen: Dec/28/2019
Status: Missing
Created: April 6, 2024 10:31 am
Updated: July 14, 2024 4:02 pm

Tessie Temores Personal Interactive Map

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Case Information

Background: Tessie Temores was last seen in Moss Point, Mississippi, on December 28, 2019. She disappeared under circumstances that remain unclear, and despite efforts to locate her, she has not been heard from since. The investigation into her disappearance is ongoing, with the family desperately seeking answers.

Family Plea: More than 700 days have passed since Tessie's family last saw or heard from her. Her three oldest sons have been vocal about their determination to find their mother, emphasizing the impact her absence has had on their lives. They describe Tessie as a devoted mother who was always there for them, highlighting her love and strength. The family is pleading for anyone with information about Tessie's whereabouts to come forward.

Physical Description:

  • Height: 5'6" - 5'7"
  • Weight: 150 - 165 pounds
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: Tessie has a brown mole on the right side of her neck and a tattoo of the name "John Juan" in black script on the inside of her wrist. Her ears are pierced.

Investigation:  According to friends and family the Jackson's County Sheriff's Office claimed she was hiding from a warrant and that is why she is missing. Her investigation was not looked into from the start. The Jackson County Sheriff's Office is leading the investigation into Tessie's disappearance.

Conclusion: The disappearance of Tessie Temores has left her family grappling with uncertainty and grief for over two years. Despite their continued efforts to find her, they remain without answers. The community's support and cooperation in sharing information about Tessie's case are crucial in bringing closure to her loved ones and achieving justice.

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