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Missing: Zachary Vidal, 28
Missing from: Pottsville, Pennsylvania
Last seen: Oct/22/2022
Status: Missing
Created: May 17, 2024 11:27 pm
Updated: May 20, 2024 11:52 am

Zachary Vidal Personal Interactive Map

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Case Information

Zachary Vidal was last seen in and around the area of the 7-11 convenience store located in Pottsville PA at approx 1600hrs., on this date. He reportedly later attended a gathering on this date at a home in the City of Pottsville. According to the occupants of the residence, Vidal left during the early morning hours the following day and has not been seen since according to the family. Vidal was also reportedly observed walking the railroad tracks which lead out of the City of Pottsville however the PPB have not been able to corroborate this sighting.

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