Close to 600k go missing every year, all of them being entered into the NCIC Database. This database is private, a lot of these cases the police never share with the public. With that, we can only use what’s available to us.
Frederick has 2 Listed Missing in the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Database and 4 entries in the NAMUS Database, with 2 of them being duplicates from the NCMEC Database, the 4th being a resolved Case, which we’ve messaged NAMUS to Update. Frederick also has 7 Unidentified Person Cases, per NAMUS dating as far back as 1973 and as recent as 2016.

Location: Frederick, Maryland
Last Seen: December 5, 1987
Age Now: 49
Height: 5′ 0″
Weight: 78
Tiffany was last seen entering a vehicle near her family’s apartment complex in Frederick, Maryland on December 5, 1987. She had left her home at John Hanson Apartments on north Bentz Street that morning to visit a friend and run some errands for her neighbors. Tiffany was supposed to return home for dinner at 5:00 p.m., but did not. Tiffany was sixth-grade student at Governor Thomas Johnson Middle School at the time of her disappearance. For nearly twenty years after she went missing, her mother slept in the living room of their apartment in case Tiffany knocked on their door in the middle of the night.
If you have any information, please contact the Frederick Police Department (301) 600-2100
Missing #MissingPeopleInAmerica #FindTiffanyGoines #Help #Maryland

Location: Frederick, Maryland
Last Seen: August 24, 1992
Age Now: 48
Height: 6′ 0″
Weight: 150
The Frederick teenager was last seen leaving his father’s home on Aug. 25, 1992. He was on probation for a juvenile offense and was supposed to meet up with his probation officer later that day, but he never arrived at the appointment. Over the years, police followed many leads that didn’t pan out. It’s believed foul play was involved, but there is no proof.
If you have any information, please contact the Frederick Police Department (301) 600-2100
Missing #MissingPeopleInAmerica #FindWilliamBrooks,Jr. #Help #Maryland

Location: Frederick, Maryland
Last Seen: January 28, 2023
Age Now: 35
Height: 5′ 10″
Weight: 176
Victim and reporting party had a disagreement. Victim decided to pack belongings and go back to his home country, Sierra Leone. Victim had a flight scheduled for 01/30/2023 but never boarded flight. Reporting party has been unable to get in touch with victim since.
If you have any information, please contact the Frederick Police Department (301) 600-2100
Missing #MissingPeopleInAmerica #FindIbrahimSesay #Help #Maryland

Carroll County Maryland currently has 1 missing person. He hasn’t been seen since March 10, 2020.

Location: Woodbine, Maryland
Last Seen: March 10, 2020
Age Now: 65
Height: 6′ 0″
Weight: 160
Gregory Heinen, from the Woodbine area, was last heard from on March 10 and was reported missing on March 15 to police.
If you have any information, please contact the Carroll County Sheriff (410) 386-5900
#Missing #MissingPeopleInAmerica #FindGregoryHeinen #Help #Maryland