Support MPIA by us Helping you

We’re now offering our Ebay store to you. A trusted source to get just about anything a lot cheaper then anywhere, while supporting Missing People In America. Ever since the creation of Missing People in America in August of 2018, we’ve kept it to the point, Missing People. We’ve come to realize, we can’t grow Missing People in America on just hopes and dreams. In 2020, I took a job as a UPS driver, with that, the offer of making $170,000 a year, It came with no life, no time for my kids and no time to run MPIA. Now I had some dedicated volunteers posting on the page, being there for the missing. They were amazing, but they were ready to fully retire from life. This year I had to make an easy choice, Abandon MPIA, my family and make $170,000 a year or take a new job, be there for my kids and grow one of the biggest Missing Person Sites on the internet. I’m here, I’d like to be there even more and do more. I can’t do that without your support. I spend my breaks and lunches, updating, answering messages and posting. Coming home to doing the same and creating advanced content. Like the recent flyers you’ve seen. Those flyers are created via computer code that I wrote, using pictures I customized.

With that, I’m not asking for handouts like the video game streamers playing video games, being given money to help no one. Support our store, by buying things you actually need, saving money and possibly saving lives. Our Ebay store has been around since 2017, so it’s nothing new, but we’ve changed it’s name to reflect the mission. Thank you for your support, be sure to follow our Facebook page if you haven’t already and our Ebay Store. Lets get to work!

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